Just when I thought I was the only one who checked the boards, I find out there are two. Download page, look under 'Unix source' or something like that. I've always found it to be an excelent program in the Windows world, and they have source for a Unix version which should work on OS X (this is based on the the Unix underpinnings, not anything written anywhere I saw). It is from '02 and mentions that the default shell on OS X is csh which (IIRC) means it's talking about 10.1 or 10.2 (since it was changed to bash in 10.3, right?). From Mac OS X Hints - How to add ANSI color to Terminal.app (I like how programs end in '.app' :)).But if you like it it's $95 which is NOT cheap. MacWise - Claims to do it, and there is a demo.I don't know where Mac software likes to hide ). If you dig deeper or try harder, you might have more success. A quick Google search didn't turn up much, here are the only two things I found. I don't use OS X (although I intend to soon when I buy a new PC), so I can't offer much.